Safe Harbor Standardbreds - After the Track
Safe Harbor’s introduction to Standardbreds came with a call from Metro Nashville Animal Control about a starving gelding in a mud lot. This big, kind guy was dubbed “Marley” and, during intake, a freezebrand was discovered on his neck. A bit of research later, we had a registered name, age and racing history. Thus began our love affair with this easygoing, family-oriented, all-around American breed.
Today, we have developed a focused program for Standardbreds retiring from the track or from their Amish owners when they can no longer do long-distance trips on the roads. Horses from either background are welcome. Our goal is to intercept these special horses prior to auction and keep them out of that cycle while providing a lifetime safety net. (If you enroll a horse on behalf of an Amish friend, please be sure to provide a good contact number.)
Do you ride or drive an off the track Standardbred? Now you can earn exclusive prizes for time spent riding, driving, or doing liberty work!
“A horse can lend its rider the speed and strength he or she lacks – but the rider who is wise remembers it is no more than a loan.”
— Pam Brown
A Few of Our Happily Ever Afters

Rohan ("Marley")

Dude in a Denali


Mr. Hallowell

Alpine Avenger

Art Love Letter

Cams On Line

Henry Gram

DCs Piggy Bank

Sweet Serenata

Jessies Gogo Trot

Ole King